Vimsottari Dasa

Vimsottari Dasa

"There's some ill planets reigns. I must be patient till the heavens look with an aspect more favourable."
- William Shakespeare, - "The Winter's Tale"

Vimsottari Dasa, also known as Vimshottari Dasha, is a significant and widely used dasha system in traditional Vedic astrology. It is used for predicting the time at which a specific event shall take place in a native's life.

Vimsottari Dasa is based on the positions of the Moon and the sequence of the nine main planets (Navagrahas) at the time of an individual's birth. The term "Vimsottari" derives from the Sanskrit words "vimshat" meaning twenty and "tari" meaning three, representing a total of 27.

In the Vimsottari Dasa system, each of the nine planets is assigned a certain number of years as a major period (Maha Dasha) ruler. The sequence of the major periods is as follows:

  • Ketu: 7 years
  • Venus (Shukra): 20 years
  • Sun (Surya): 6 years
  • Moon (Chandra): 10 years
  • Mars (Mangal): 7 years
  • Rahu: 18 years
  • Jupiter (Guru): 16 years
  • Saturn (Shani): 19 years
  • Mercury (Budha): 17 years

The total of these periods amounts to 120 years, which is considered a full cycle of Vimsottari Dasa. After the completion of each 120-year cycle, the sequence repeats itself. Within each major period, there are sub-periods (Antar Dasha) ruled by the planets in the same sequence as the major periods. The sub-periods are further subdivided into sub-sub-periods (Pratyantar Dasha) based on the progression of the planets.

Astrologers use the Vimsottari Dasa system to assess the timing of significant events and trends in a person's life. The major and sub-periods of various planets are analyzed in relation to the positions of the planets in the birth chart to make predictions about different life events, including career changes, marriage, health issues, and more.

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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