Vedic Astrology & KP Astrology

Vedic Astrology & KP Astrology

KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) astrology and Vedic astrology are both systems of astrology, but they differ in their principles, techniques, and approaches. Here are the key differences between KP astrology and Vedic astrology:

System Origin:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish or Indian astrology, has ancient roots and is believed to be over 5000 years old. It is based on the ancient scriptures called the Vedas and is deeply ingrained in Indian culture and traditions.
  • KP astrology

  • KP astrology was developed by Krishnamurti Paddhati, an Indian astrologer, in the mid-20th century. It is a more recent system compared to Vedic astrology. KP astrology derives its origin from Vedic astrology but presents a more systematic approach to making predictions.

Zodiac Division:

    Vedic astrology:

  • The zodiac used in Vedic astrology is divided into 12 equal parts, with each part comprising 30 degrees. It is based on the sidereal zodiac, which considers the fixed positions of the stars and constellations.
  • KP astrology:

  • KP astrology also uses the same 12 zodiac signs but employs the Placidus house system, dividing the sky into unequal segments based on the rising degree of the Ascendant. This approach is called the "Nakshatra-based Subdivision of Zodiac."

House System:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology uses various house systems, with the Placidus and Whole Sign house systems being popular choices. The specific house system used can vary based on the astrologer's preference or tradition.
  • KP astrology:

  • KP astrology uses the Placidus house system consistently. It applies a different Ayanamsa (precession of the equinoxes) to calculate the positions of the planets and cusps. The cusps (borders) of each house are crucial in KP astrology for determining the significators of a cusp and making predictions.

Divisional Charts:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology employs a comprehensive system of divisional charts known as Varga charts. These charts divide the zodiac into multiple segments and provide detailed insights into various life areas, including D-9 (Navamsa) chart for marriage, D-10 (Dasamsa) chart for career, and more.

Significators and Ruling Planets:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology uses various planetary significations, but the focus is primarily on the placement of planets in signs and houses. It employs various planetary aspects and yogas for predictions.
  • KP astrology:

  • KP astrology uses sub-lords and the significators for each cusp, and the ruling planets system for prediction.

Timing of Events:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology uses dasha (planetary periods) and transits to predict the timing of events.
  • KP astrology:

  • KP astrology is known for its accurate timing predictions to the exact date, through the use of significators of cusps and the system of ruling planets, along with transits.

Approach to Predictions:

    Vedic astrology:

  • Vedic astrology employs a more traditional and holistic approach to predictions, considering various factors, including planetary positions, aspects, and yogas, along with the native's karma and past life influences.
  • KP astrology:

  • KP astrology uses a more analytical and systematic approach to natal chart predictions, focusing on specific questions and providing direct answers through horary astrology techniques.

Both systems have their strengths and are respected by different astrologers and enthusiasts. The choice between KP astrology and Vedic astrology often depends on the astrologer's training, preferences, and the specific needs of the client or the nature of the query

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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