Planets & Diseases

Planets & Diseases

In KP astrology, each planet is associated with specific health conditions and diseases based on their significations as per KP principles, natural significations and influences. However, it's essential to note that astrology is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment, and any health concerns should be addressed by qualified medical professionals. Here are the diseases denoted by the different planets in Vedic astrology:


  • Sun is associated with the heart, blood circulation, and vitality. It may indicate health issues related to the heart, eyes, spine, and general vitality. Afflictions to the Sun may lead to conditions like heart problems, eye diseases, and back pain.
  • Moon:

  • Moon governs the mind, emotions, and fluids in the body. It may denote health concerns related to emotional instability, fluid imbalances, and digestive issues. Afflictions to the Moon may lead to conditions like mood swings, hormonal imbalances, and digestive disorders.
  • Mars:

  • Mars is associated with energy, muscles, and blood-related issues. It may indicate health problems related to inflammation, infections, and blood disorders. Afflictions to Mars may lead to conditions like fevers, skin problems, and injuries.
  • Mercury:

  • Mercury governs communication, nervous system, and skin. It may denote health issues related to the nervous system, skin disorders, and respiratory problems. Afflictions to Mercury may lead to conditions like anxiety, breathing issues, and skin allergies.
  • Jupiter:

  • Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and the liver. It may indicate health concerns related to the liver, digestive system, and blood sugar levels. Afflictions to Jupiter may lead to conditions like liver problems, weight gain, and diabetes.
  • Venus:

  • Venus governs beauty, reproductive organs, and hormonal balance. It may denote health issues related to hormonal imbalances, reproductive system, and kidney function. Afflictions to Venus may lead to conditions like hormonal disorders, kidney stones, and reproductive health issues.
  • Saturn:

  • Saturn is associated with bones, teeth, and chronic health conditions. It may indicate health problems related to the bones, teeth, and long-term health issues. Afflictions to Saturn may lead to conditions like arthritis, dental issues, and chronic ailments.
  • Rahu and Ketu:

  • Rahu and Ketu are considered shadowy planets associated with sudden and unpredictable events. They may indicate health concerns related to mystery illnesses, allergies, and undiagnosed conditions.

It's crucial to remember that the astrological indications of health issues are general and not specific to individuals. Health matters are complex and multifaceted, and an accurate medical diagnosis requires a thorough examination by qualified healthcare professionals. Astrology can provide insights into potential health vulnerabilities, but it should not be solely relied upon for medical decisions.

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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