Jyotish Glossary

Jyotish Glossary

This glossary covers some of the essential terms used in astrology. Understanding these terms is crucial for practicing and interpreting charts in vedic astrology and KP astrology.

    Vedic Astrology:

  • Also known as Jyotish, the ancient system of astrology originated in India based on the Vedic scriptures.
  • KP Astrology:

  • Krishnamurti Paddhati, a unique system of astrology developed by late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, emphasizes accurate and precise timing techniques for predictions.
  • Natal Chart:

  • Also known as the birth chart, it represents the positions of planets at the time of an individual's birth.
  • Ascendant (Lagna):

  • The rising sign at the time of birth, indicating the individual's external personality and physical appearance.
  • Constellations (Nakshatras):

  • Lunar constellations or asterisms, consisting of 27 divisions along the ecliptic.
  • Zodiac signs (Rashi):

  • Zodiac signs, consisting of 12 divisions along the ecliptic.
  • Planets (Grahas):

  • The celestial bodies used in astrology, including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.
  • Houses (Bhavas):

  • The twelve divisions of a birth chart representing different areas of life.
  • Cuspal Position:

  • The precise degree of a particular zodiac sign on a cusp of a house.
  • Sub-Lord:

  • A subdivision of each Nakshatra (lunar constellation), which plays a vital role in KP astrology for determining the results of planets in a house.
  • Star-Lord:

  • The Lord of the Nakshatra in which a planet is placed.
  • Sub-Sub-Lord:

  • A further subdivision of each Nakshatra, providing more detailed timing for events.
  • House Cusp:

  • The starting point of each house in a birth chart.
  • Ruling Planets:

  • At the time of judgment by an astrologer, the planets representing the Lagna (ascendant), the star lord of the moon, the rashi (zodiac) lord of the moon, the lord of the day.
  • Placidus House System:

  • The commonly used house division method in KP astrology for dividing the sky into twelve houses.
  • Aspects (Graha Drishti):

  • Angular relationships between planets that can be favorable or challenging.
  • Dasha:

  • Planetary periods or major periods used in Vedic astrology for timing predictions.
  • Vimshottari Dasha:

  • The most commonly used dasha system in Vedic astrology based on the positions of the Moon and major planets at the time of birth.
  • Dasha Lord:

  • The planet ruling the current dasha (major period).
  • Mahadasha:

  • The main period of a specific planet in the dasha system.
  • Antardasha:

  • The sub-periods within the main period of a planet in the dasha system.
  • Pratyantar Dasha:

  • The sub-sub-periods within the antardasha of a planet in the dasha system.
  • Significator:

  • Planets that signify specific houses or matters in the birth chart.
  • Horary Chart:

  • A chart cast for the moment a specific question is asked, used for answering specific queries.
  • Transit:

  • The current positions of planets and their impact on an individual's birth chart.
  • Divisional Charts:

  • Supplementary charts used in Vedic astrology to gain deeper insights into specific areas of life, such as Navamsa, Dashamsha, etc.
  • KP Ayanamsa:

  • The difference between the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs used in KP astrology.
  • Yogas:

  • Planetary combinations defined in Vedic astrology that influence an individual's life and destiny.
  • House Groupings:

  • Houses divided into specific groups representing different areas of life.
  • Karka:

  • Significator of a specific house or matter in KP astrology.
  • Muhurat:

  • Auspicious timing for conducting specific events or activities.
  • Kendra:

  • The angular houses in a birth chart, which are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses.
  • Trikona:

  • The trine houses in a birth chart, which are the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses.
  • Lagna Lord:

  • The ruler of the Ascendant sign in a birth chart.
  • Planetary Combustion:

  • When a planet comes very close to the Sun, affecting its strength and influence.

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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