Rahu & Ketu

Rahu & Ketu

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are known as shadow planets or lunar nodes, and they do not rule any specific houses like the traditional planets. Instead, Rahu and Ketu have a unique role in the birth chart, representing karmic influences and spiritual growth. They are considered as points in the sky where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect.

Rahu and Ketu are always opposite each other in the birth chart, and their positioning indicates the areas of life where an individual may have karmic lessons to learn and challenges to overcome. Their influence is considered intense and transformative.


  • Rahu is associated with desires, ambitions, and materialism. Its placement in a specific house indicates the area of life where an individual may experience intense cravings, desires, and a drive for worldly success. It can bring opportunities for growth and material gains but can also lead to obsessions and unfulfilled desires.
  • Ketu:

  • Ketu represents detachment, spirituality, and the past-life karma. Its placement in a specific house indicates the area of life where an individual may have to release attachments, let go of past patterns, and focus on spiritual growth and self-realization. Ketu's influence can lead to introspection and detachment from material desires.

It's important to note that Rahu and Ketu do not have a physical presence like the traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, etc.). They are points in space that are calculated based on the intersection of the Moon's orbit around the Earth and the ecliptic plane (the apparent path of the Sun). The houses they occupy in the birth chart and the planets they associate with can give valuable insights into an individual's karmic journey and soul's evolution.

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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