About Jyotish Tek

Jyotish, also known as Jyotisha or Vedic astrology, is the ancient Indian system of astrology. The term "Jyotish" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Jyoti" (light) and "Isha" (lord or deity), which together mean "the science of light" or "the science of celestial bodies.

Jyotish Tek aims to present astrology to those who wish to understand this divine science, and the principles based on which it has been derived. An attempt is made to explain the techniques used by astrologers to make predictions and to time the events in one's lifetime. While the underlying principles remain the same in all forms of astrology, greater emphasis has been laid to explain the predictive techniques followed in KP Astrology, which has its origins derived from Vedic astrology and Western astrology.

Our professional consultations are meant for those who have a serious need of the answers. You can trust us with this divine and noble science, to help you navigate your path.


Our professional consultations are meant for those who have a serious need of the answers. You can trust us with this divine and noble science, to help you navigate your path.

Predictive Astrology

"For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance." - Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike

Reading a Birth Chart
A step-by-step guide on how to read a birth chart using KP astrology.
House Grouping
In KP astrology, the concept of house grouping is based on the fact that it is not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life.
Vimsottari Dasa
Vimsottari Dasa, also known as Vimshottari Dasha, is a significant and widely used dasha system in traditional Vedic astrology.
In Vedic astrology, transits refer to the current positions of planets in the zodiac and their impact on an individual's birth chart.
Ruling Planets
KP Astrology uses the unique concept of Ruling Planets for making precise predictions with accurate timing of events.
KP Horary
KP Horary Astrology is particularly popular for its precision and ability to answer specific questions effectively.

Frequently asked

  • What is Jyotish?
    Jyotish, also known as Jyotisha or Vedic astrology, is the ancient Indian system of astrology. The term "Jyotish" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Jyoti" (light) and "Isha" (lord or deity), which together mean "the science of light" or "the science of celestial bodies."
  • What is astrology, and how does it work?
    Astrology is a system of belief, a noble science and study that explains the correlation between celestial events and human experiences. It is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years and has been present in various cultures around the world. By using the salient principles of astrology depending on the position of the planets ascertained astronomically, one can predict future event and the time of occurrence of these events.
  • Is astrology based on science?
    While astrology is an ancient art and has been practiced for centuries, it is not considered a science by the scientific community. It is a metaphysical, divine, and spiritual practice.

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Jayesh Tekchandaney

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